Monday, February 15, 2010

A Simple Plan (1998)

Ever wondered what the director of The Evil Dead (1981-1992) doing before directing the Spider-Man (2002-2007)? I got it now. He was making A Simple Plan. A Simple Plan is an in-depth study of human psyche by the master director Sam Raimi. How very ordinary people get pushed beyond their limits when the emotions such as greed and desperation creeps in their life. I felt some part to be stretching, especially the actions of the protagonist for its too much for a common family man. But I guess what Sam Raimi has tried here is just a portrayal. Let us not measure the height of crime but considering it just a deed, it definitely makes one think that is it worth doing? There definitely are thrills but the pace is slow. It churns a lot of drama as the movie progresses.

Overall, character of Bill Paxton is naive and gullible, that of Bridget Fonda is desperate. While Billy Bob Thornton's character is confused but deep, Brent Biscou's character is that of opportunist and greedy. A all-in-all play of dark side of human emotions.

My Rating: 7.1

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