Lost Highway
Hey,anyone has seen this movie,'Lost Highway'?This is one 1997 movie directed by david Lynch and starring Bill Pullman.Well,if you have seen,then kindly POst me what has been tried to show in this movie.this is one most complex movies I have ever seen.And am unable to make out the happenings in the movie.
David Lynch is a Director who probably suffers from manic depression and an alter ego that takes over whenever he goes behind camera. There's no other way to describe him. The fact that his surname is lynch only serves a poetic justice that symbolizes the mood of general audience coming out after watching his film - they want to lynch anyone they can lay their hands on. His mother probably conceived him while watching the last half an-hour of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: Space Odyssey, and David, subsequently, was born as a self-indulgent cinema connoisseur and propagator.
"Any-cinema-you-can't-comprehend-is-great-cinema" ideology is best left to those who like Lynch, suffer from acute depression and temporary mood swings. No offence, but I don't want to watch a movie to dampen my already not-so-euphoric state of being. Having said that, his films do have a following and they do get acclaim, you probably need to be in right mood to experience it. I never am.
Watch 'Mulholland Drive' next time you feel like it. And avoid having any sharp objects in vicinity.
Avoid sharp objects and/or Ashish Parmar with sharp objects in the vicinity!
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